Sunday, May 13, 2018

We've had some BUSY weeks!
The alphabet countdown is in full swing.  This week we will enjoy
M:  Extra Math Day!
N: Do something Nice for a friend day (We will be writing notes.)
O: Outside Day! Weather permitting we will do a few of our lessons outside on this day!
P:  Princess/Queen Day
Q:  We will be Quick and go to Julian for our own Olympic Day  Kids need to be dressed for PE!  We will be outside if possible!

Reading:  The last few weeks we have been working on (drum roll please) FIRST GRADE READING! The students are doing such an AMAZING job reading independently that we started learning about first grade habits!  It is just a joy listening to them all read.

Writing:  We have been focusing more on handwriting this week and learning about when to use capital letters and lower case letters.

Math:  We are working on a lot of place value concepts, focusing on the teen numbers and groups of ten.

Science:  This week we got fish and learned about how the fish and our pond snails are alike and different.

Field Trip:  We had a great field trip to the Nature Museum.  Thanks goes to the chaperones for keeping us safe at a busy museum and a rainy path!  The kids had a blast.

May 28th: No School 
May 30th: Kindergarten Pizza and Play at Rehm Park 11:00-1:30
June 1st: Half day last day of school