Friday, January 30, 2015


It was great to spend a whole week with your children!

Reading:  We continue to love reading the Mo Willems books.  We wrote about whether or not we would let the pigeon drive the bus.  (8 said yes, 6 said no and we had one maybe!)  Then we imagined other things the Pigeon should not be able to do.  Come in and see this great writing!   After reading the pigeon books, we enjoyed reading Knuffle Bunny.  We could all relate to that story.  So many of them had stories of losing something important to them that we decided to write about that, too!  Those stories will be shared with you at conferences.

Writing:  We are reviewing narrative writing and continue to work on opinion writing.  We are also focusing on using correct letter formation and punctuation.  Keep practicing those sight words!

Math: We are working on number writing and groups of 10.  Our main focus is on number sentences.  We are practicing writing addition number sentences on our own and writing subtraction number sentences together.  Obviously calendar time is very exciting as we get closer and closer to our 100th day of school!

Upcoming Dates:
Upcoming Dates:
February 5: 100th day celebration
February 12 and 13:  Half days for parent teacher conferences
February 16:  Presidents Day-No school
February 21:  Fun Fair and Silent Auction!!  Please pay attention to information coming home about the major fund raisers of the year.   (Our own Room Mother, Kim Vander Griend is coordinating the silent auction!  Let's represent, Room 116!)
March 6th:  Author Visit
  • Award-winning author, Aaron Reynolds is coming to Irving on March 5th
  • Schedule:  8:30-9:30 2nd/3rd grade, 10:00-11:00 4th/5th grade, 12:45-1:15 K/1st grade
  • All presentations will be in the auditorium.
  • Book order forms will be going home to students in mid-February.

Friday, January 23, 2015

January 19-23

Please look at the conference schedule that is on the left.  If you have any conflicts let me know ASAP!

Reading:  We are loving our Mo Willems author study.  He is so entertaining and inspires the kids to read and write!  We will write our opinion about the best Mo Willems book next week.   In the meantime, ask your child if he would let the pigeon drive the bus!

Writing:  We are working on opinion writing and narrative writing.  We are focusing on making sure that there are no capital letters in the middle of our sentence.  We also learned that "baby i" never goes walking alone.  It needs to be a capital letter if it is a word!

Math:  We are working on number bonds and number stories.  We are really working on counting to 100!  We can't wait for our 100th day of school celebration!!!

Social Studies:  We read a lot of books about MLK and will continue to learn about his work in February when we learn about Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges.

Today we had a lock down drill.  It went well and the kids did a great job sitting quietly until we got the all clear.  Next time we will not have a warning that it is happening, but I am confident that the kids will do great!  I simply stated that sometimes it is safer to go outside, like during a fire drill and other times it is safer to stay inside.

If you have not already signed the permission slip for Young Athletes, please do so.  If you have not already offered to help with our 100th day party, please consider donating part of the snack or part of your day to help us out!

Upcoming Dates:
February 5: 100th day celebration
February 12 and 13:  Half days for parent teacher conferences
February 16:  Presidents Day-No school
February 21:  Fun Fair and Silent Auction!!  Please pay attention to information coming home about the major fund raisers of the year.   (Our own Room Mother, Kim Vander Griend is coordinating the silent auction!  Let's represent, Room 116!)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 12-15

We had a great week in the classroom and enjoyed our routine!

Reading:  We took a few summative assessments this week on different literature standards.  The kids did great!  We will continue to work on retelling stories and making connections between words and pictures.

Math:  We continue to work on number bonds to 5 and counting by 10s.  We are also working on story problems and writing equations to go with them.

Writing:  We continue to work on opinion writing.  Next week we will begin reading a bunch of Mo Willems books and learn some of his strategies for writing great books.  At the end of this author study we will write an opinion piece about which Mo Willems book is our favorite and tell why.

Science:  We never got started on the Water and Weather unit.  Those snow days put us behind!

100th day:  Hopefully the hearts came home in decent shape and your child is excited about collecting 100 awesome things!  Have fun!  The heart can be returned whenever it is completed.  You also should find a list of requested snack donations for that day in your child's folder.  Please consider donating a box of cereal or other treat.

Book Order:  Use the link to the left to order books from Scholastic.  The fliers went home in folders today.  We are officially half way through winter...which means we still have half of winter left.  That's a lot of extra time for reading!

Upcoming Dates:
January 16:  Institute Day-  No school for students
January 19:  MLK Day-No school
February 5: 100th day celebration
February 12 and 13:  Half days for parent teacher conferences
February 16:  Presidents Day-No school
February 21:  Fun Fair and Silent Auction!!  Please pay attention to information coming home about the major fund raisers of the year.   (Our own Room Mother, Kim Vander Griend is coordinating the silent auction!  Let's represent, Room 116!)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 5, 6, (Not 7th and 8th) and 9

Well, obviously we did not get to all the things I had planned for the week...

Reading:  Students are being encouraged to use the beginning letter of a word and then look at the picture to figure out unknown words.  We are also working on understanding the relationship of pictures to texts.

Writing:  We started some opinion writing.  We are also focusing on punctuation marks at the end of our sentences.

Math:  We continue to work on decomposing numbers and number bonds.  Right now we are making sure we have a firm grasp on all the different ways to make 5.  (1+4, 2+3, 5+0, 4+1, 3+2, 0+5).  As soon as these are proficient we will work on ways to make 10.  Additionally, we are learning how to draw pictures to help us solve story problems.

Science:  Next week we will begin to discuss weather and water.  (Good timing, huh?)

100s Day
Sooo..... obviously we are now behind on our March to 100 days of school.  As soon as we can confirm the date for our celebration I will send an email.  I do all the planning of this big celebration of the number 100, but we need lots and lots (and lots) of help to make this day successful.  Please watch for emails.  I will be asking for donations to our 100 snack.  Thanks in advance!

Upcoming Dates:
January 16:  Institute Day-  No school for students
January 19:  MLK Day-No school
February 5? 6? 9?:  Rescheduled 100th day celebration (To be confirmed ASAP)
February 12 and 13:  Half days for parent teacher conferences
February 16:  Presidents Day-No school
February 21:  Fun Fair!!!