Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 5, 6, (Not 7th and 8th) and 9

Well, obviously we did not get to all the things I had planned for the week...

Reading:  Students are being encouraged to use the beginning letter of a word and then look at the picture to figure out unknown words.  We are also working on understanding the relationship of pictures to texts.

Writing:  We started some opinion writing.  We are also focusing on punctuation marks at the end of our sentences.

Math:  We continue to work on decomposing numbers and number bonds.  Right now we are making sure we have a firm grasp on all the different ways to make 5.  (1+4, 2+3, 5+0, 4+1, 3+2, 0+5).  As soon as these are proficient we will work on ways to make 10.  Additionally, we are learning how to draw pictures to help us solve story problems.

Science:  Next week we will begin to discuss weather and water.  (Good timing, huh?)

100s Day
Sooo..... obviously we are now behind on our March to 100 days of school.  As soon as we can confirm the date for our celebration I will send an email.  I do all the planning of this big celebration of the number 100, but we need lots and lots (and lots) of help to make this day successful.  Please watch for emails.  I will be asking for donations to our 100 snack.  Thanks in advance!

Upcoming Dates:
January 16:  Institute Day-  No school for students
January 19:  MLK Day-No school
February 5? 6? 9?:  Rescheduled 100th day celebration (To be confirmed ASAP)
February 12 and 13:  Half days for parent teacher conferences
February 16:  Presidents Day-No school
February 21:  Fun Fair!!!

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