Friday, November 30, 2018

We got new table spots!  So far so good!  We love getting to know friends better.  (And I love knowing which kids talk all the time!!!!)

Next week we will start using LEXIA in the classroom.  Lexia is an app that allows a child to work on literacy skills at their own pace.  If at all possible, please try to use Lexia at home a 2-3 times per week.  You will get a Clever QR code (badge) that is personal to your child that allows your child to log in. You'll need to follow these steps.  

1. Download the Clever app on your tablet.
2. Allow all permissions for the app if prompted.
3. Login with the Clever badge.
4. Some of the apps inside Clever are web links and will open in a web browser, others will require you to download the specific app like Lexia. 

1. On a computer, go to 
2. Your computer has to have a webcam to login with the QR code. Allow the camera access to if needed.
3. Everything will be through the web browser, no need to download any apps.

This week we talked about getting our brains ready to read a book.  We look at a book and think about what we know about the topic.  This helps us get ready to read tricky words and understand what we are reading.   We read some fiction and non-fiction books about bears.

We learned that we can read sentences easily when we look for snap words!

We worked on stories that have beginnings, middles, and ends in writing.  We also practiced hearing all the sounds in words.  We practiced the snap words: went, is, in, and
Here is Finlay's beginning. It's what happened first.  She wrote what happened next and last on the next pages. 

We began a module about measurement and comparing numbers this week.  Students are pouring sand from one container to another to explore volume.  We are measuring with cubes and popsicle sticks. Students are also thinking about numbers that are larger and smaller.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Last week was so much fun!  
Word Study:  We began doing word sorts and learning the routines for them.  Students listen and read sounds in words and sort them according to patterns.  This helps kids learn from what they already know.  

During writing we are working really hard to hear sounds in the beginning, middle and ends of words.  We are also working on adding more details to our stories.  One way to do both of these things is to label pictures.  

Labeling a Water Bottle

Labeling family members

Labeling a Tent and a Fairy 

Jumping in a leaf pile!

Speech bubble that says, "ZZZ."

In Reading we are working on using our SNAP word power.  Here we are playing a game of memory with our snap words.  Fun with a partner AND working on reading and spelling?  Yes, please!

Our Teddy Bear Picnic was a success.  Thank you so much to the PTO (and Roger's mom) for helping us celebrate.  

Finally- Happy Thanksgiving to you and your little Turkeys.  I am grateful for this great class this year and can't wait to get back to work after the holiday break!  

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Reading:  This week we used our Reading Super Powers and added two more super powers- We have SNAP WORD POWER!  We have PARTNER POWER! During our read aloud time, we learned about  making predictions. 

We became EXPERTS on our alphabet chart.  We decided we would teach the stuffed animals everything we knew.  It was a great chance for kids to review what they knew and see that they really are experts.
teaching letters and sounds

teaching letters

teaching letters and sounds

teaching her name

writing the alphabet

teaching frog how to write his name

letter sounds

here's the alphabet chart we use the most

pointing to each letter 

letter sounds

how to order food!

letter formation:  D for Deer

During our morning meeting this week students practiced making secret handshakes with partners.  These were our greetings for the day.  Morning meeting is a time for us to come together and build our relationships and have, supportive, positive interactions.  

Writing:  Students continue to work on narrative writing.  We are learning about what makes writing easy to read.  Remember, as your children goes about their daily schedules, please point out happenings and events that   would make good writing stories. It helps students remember they can write about anything!  As you write down grocery lists, have your child help you with the beginning sounds.  Anytime you can connect real life to reading and writing it makes an impact.

Math:  We are working on 3D shapes and preposition words.  During calendar we are writing teen numbers and representing them in ten frames and tally marks.