Thursday, October 12, 2017

Morning Meeting and Field Trip

Every day we start with a morning meeting.   We greet our friends and practice saying each other's names.  This helps everyone feel welcome in our classroom community.  Then we turn and talk to a partner and practice taking turns while we have a conversation.  After that we will go through a morning message and a quick activity to wake up our brains.  Below is a short video of a few kids "passing a ding!" around the circle. 

We had a great field trip with some superstar chaperones!  Students did a great job observing leaves, organizing things that come from a tree, and doing some digging to look for invertebrates.  We had a great picnic lunch and nice walk around the Arboretum.

Don't forget next week is conferences so Thursday and Friday will be half days, with dismissal at 11:00.

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