Thursday, January 7, 2016

Winter's Here!

I had a GREAT week with the kids!  Just as I suspected-they came back ready to learn and work!  I saw some amazing writing, awesome math thinking, and all around super behavior.   They are all becoming good little readers.  What a joy to see that happen.

Reading:  We are reviewing retelling stories using a fun book called Tacky the Penguin.  The kids love it!

Math:  The kids learned about Number Bonds this week.  This is a way to think about decomposing numbers.  You'll see a number bond on our calendar sheets that come home.  We'll start filling them in next week.

We are also practicing counting to 100 every day in anticipation of our 100th day of school.  Any child who can count to 100 without errors for me will put their picture on our giant 100 in our classroom.  We hope to have everyone's picture on there by February 11!  This is a big celebration and I'll send out an information sheet about it soon.


  • Keep working on Lexia at home if you can.
  • Please help your child become an independent dresser.  Practice the zippers-up and down!
  • Practice the boots-on and off!  Remind your child to put mittens, hats, and scarves in a safe place.  
  •  Please send your child in boots and snow pants when there is snow on the ground.  
  • Institute Day on Friday, January 15th means no school.  MLK day is Monday, January 18th.

  • Swap, Shop and Read is a FABULOUS opportunity to fill out your home library or clean out books your child no longer reads. Thursday, January 21st.   Please see the flyer!

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