Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reading and Writing: 

This week we practiced reading non-fiction as we started our unit on bears. Next week we will begin writing non-fiction sentences about bears.    This week we also have been hard at work on our sight words.  We now know: 


Keep practicing at home to keep these words in students brains. 

In writing this week we are continuing to build independence while spelling.  Now that students are writing more,  we have been talking about some strategies to help spell tricky words.  This week we practiced chopping a word into sounds.  Put the word in your hand and chop it up!


This week in math we started our measurement unit.  We talked about the words taller, shorter, and longer.  We measured with a popsicle stick and a piece of yarn.  Of course-we practiced counting and celebrated the number 50!


This week we began our unit on bears.  We talked about habitats and where bears live.  We also celebrated our 50th day of school by learning all about what life was like in the 1950's.  

Upcoming Dates

November 24th: Field Trip to Brookfield Zoo
November 25th-27th: No school Thanksgiving Break
December 4th: Wear your pajamas and bring a teddy bear to school for hibernation day
December 17th: Winter concert and classroom party - more information to come!
December 21st-January 1st: Winter Break

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