Sunday, October 18, 2015

Reading:  This week in reading we talked about important details in a text.  Now that the kids are getting more independent, I was able to meet with two small groups and work on independent reading strategies during our Daily 5 times!

Writing:  We are really working on getting our ideas on paper in writing.  Students are encouraged to write the sounds they hear in the words.  We will introduce narrative writing this week!

Math:  We are working on decomposing the number 6.  Kids worked with their peanut butter and jelly partners to make 6 in as many ways as possible.  (3 and 3 make 6.)  When they found a way to make 6 they used their math "talking card" to help them tell their partners about it.

Science: We asked another question this week.
Question:  Do apples taste different?
Hypothesis:  Yes, they do.
Test:  We tasted  red,  yellow, and green apples.
Conclusion:  Apples do taste different.
Recording our Observations:  We made a graph of which apples we liked best.  Green was the favorite apple, followed by red, then yellow.  

Technology:  Mr Degman came in and introduced ipads to the class.  We will begin using these in the morning for Lexia and during our Daily 5 time, our writing time and our math time.  We have 6 ipads for our classroom use.

Upcoming Dates:

October 21:  Fun Run!  This is our biggest fund raiser of the year!  Help us reach our goal!  Come and cheer on the kiddos while they run! We would love 100% participation!  
The classrooms with the highest pledges and the most participation each earn awards!

October 22 and 23:  Half days for Parent Teacher conferences!  We dismiss at 11:00 on these days.

October 30th:  Halloween Party and Parade.  Look for an email from our room parents to see how you can help with our party!

November 11th:  Our 50th day of school!  

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