Thursday, November 6, 2014

50th day of School and Bears...Oh My!

We had a great 50th day of school.  Your kids looked great!  They had a lot of fun learning about the number 50 and about life in the 1950s.  The dance party was great.  The pictures, taken from the ipad, were all pretty out of focus.  As you can's hard to get kids to stop moving when at a sock hop!

Monday, November 10th:  No School in honor of Veterans Day
Friday, November 14th:  Permission slip due
Tuesday, November 25th: Field Trip to Brookfield Zoo

 Reading: We took our summative assessment on characters, settings and main events this week.  The students have made so much progress on this standard and I expect they will continue to show great things.  As we discussed at conferences, we most expect to see an AP (approaching proficiency) at this time of year.  We will be looking at these assessments as a grade level and scoring them together. As soon as that is done I will copy the assessments and send them home.

Writing:  We started nonfiction writing this week!  We started by writing about things we know a lot about.  Soon we will look at text features, like captions, labels and diagrams and add that to our writing.   This will all come in handy when we do our BEAR RESEARCH project!

Math:  We continue to work on writing numbers correctly.  We used the "wet, dry, try" method of practicing during math stations.  Mr. Degman came in again to help us learn the names of all the pattern block shapes.  Look for an assignment to be emailed to you.  Of course we also spent some time counting to 50!  (Look for the rest of the pictures linked to the left!)

Bears:  We will begin a study of bears for the next few weeks.  We will learn about bears while applying our nonfiction writing, reading nonfiction books, using technology to publish writing and to address the science standards of animal habitats.  Be sure to send in the permission slip by next Friday to the Brookfield Zoo!

Stand up to Cancer:Has your child come home talking about funny pictures of the teachers standing in funny places?  This is part of a "Stand up to Cancer" campaign that the student council is sponsoring.  Your child can "vote" for their favorite picture by putting some money in the their favorite picture's envelope.  All the money goes to Cancer Research.  Money accepted until next week!

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