Reading: We continue to work on Silent E. We are also working on retelling familiar stories. Ask your child to retell a story you read at home! Your child should be able to tell you characters, settings and beginning, middle and ends.
Writing: We are learning about expository writing. The students are learning about introduction sentences.
Math: Your child is learning about 3D shapes. Help your child look for these around the house. Please use the correct names-cube, sphere, cylinder, prism, and cone.
Science: We will be learning lots about plants, seeds and life cycles. This will culminate with our trip to the conservatory. (See dates below.)
- Book Fair: Books are on sale this week every day during the day and after school! Proceeds go directly to our own school library. We will not visit the book fair as a class (too confusing!), but students will be given a 4th grade buddy to help them if they bring money.
- Earth Week: There are lots of events-SUNNY NOTES ON SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY FOR 25 cents! (These are happy notes your child can send to ANYONE in the school. Teaches, buddies, brothers, cousins...) Pay special attention to Wear green on Tuesday, Stuffed animal on Wednesday and Wear Yellow on Thursday
- Academic Fair: April 23
- April 23: Art Start begins in our classroom! Can you volunteer an hour to help us? 10:30-11:25. We will be learning how the Sun can change fabrics! We will make the first page in our fabric book. Our fabric books will be on display at Art Fest. Art Start is sponsored by the Oak Park Education Foundation. Ms. Pam Penney will come in to our class 5-6 times to teach us about fiber art!
- April 28th Book Talks begin. Please see our homework packet for this special assignment.
- April 30th: Tasty Dog Fundraiser. The most delicious fundraiser of the year!
- May 2nd Irving Sleepover-I'm happy to answer questions about this. It's super fun and many Kindergartners do great.
- May 5th Kindergarten ABC countdown begins-We will count down the last 26 days of Kindergarten with different events for each letter of the alphabet. Homework will follow a different format.
- May 7th Kindergarten Open House-Do you know any incoming Irving Kindergarten students? Please help spread the word!
- Shop, Swap and Read: May 8: 6:00-7:30
- May 15 Art Fest- This is my FAVORITE school event of the year! Art is displayed, poems are performed, Spanish games are played and the gym is open. I will be encouraging your child to sign up for the POETRY SLAM!
- May 19th: Last Day for Class Library checkout/All Books Due June 3
- May 28th: All Kindergarten Families are invited to Rehm Park for Pizza and Play! 9:30-12:30.
- End of Year Party June 6th-This will be at Rehm Park in the evening.
- June 3rd Conservatory-We will walk to the Conservatory. Can you walk with us?
- June 10th: Last day of school. Don't miss the teacher dance!
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