Monday, November 4, 2013


A few Kindergarten Reminders

50s day
•    I hope you got a start on the 50s homework and that you are enjoying working on it with your child.  If your child has a collection of 50 things-please send that in whenever you have it ready.  It is due on Friday because we will be sharing our collections in class.  You will get the collection back.  ☺
•    Thanks to Molly McNamara for helping with stations on this day!  Thanks to Jaime Moran for getting our pudding cups (I mean “root beer floats”!) 

Field Trip  
•    Two chaperones have had to back out due to new circumstances.  If you are able to join us please let me know ASAP!  It’s super fun!
•    A few people seem to be confused about the $10 for the trip.  It is due when you return the permission slip-not on the day of the trip.  If you already returned your slip without the money, please send that in when you get a chance.  If you are unable to pay for the trip, please let me know and I can secure a PTO scholarship for you.

Bears!  Bears!  Bears!
•    We are studying bears this month!  We are also working on reading and writing the color words.  If you have any books on bears-fiction or non-fiction send them in!  If you have a great color book send that in, too!  Your child will return them in a few weeks.  (Please make sure you have your name in the books.)

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