Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Been a Busy Week!

We have worked really hard this week!

Reading:  We learned a new sight word-we.  We also started reading groups and journals.  During this week's reading groups we just practiced coming to the teacher table, whisper reading and putting our books in book boxes.  Next week we will be more focused on reading books at our reading level.  

When you read at home
  • point to each word
  • talk about how the pictures go with the words
  • have your child read words from our sight word list
  • cover up the pictures so they can't "cheat."  At this point in their reading there is more meaning in the pictures than in the words.  Using pictures is a good strategy for figuring out unknown words.
  • tell your child to "sound it out" if s/he is getting frustrated. If a child is sounding out more than 4-5 words in a few minutes then the meaning of the story is lost.  You don't want your child to lose the joy of reading.
In math we continue to work on calendar routines.  Practice counting at home with your child.  During math stations we worked on patterning, shapes, counting and showing a set of objects for a given number.

We are really working on getting the beginning sounds down for each word we hear in a sentence.  We also practiced drawing a line for each word we wanted to say.  This helps us remember our sentence so we can focus on writing each word.
We are also working on labeling a picture and making a list.

Mrs. Diehl came into our class to show us how to use the ipads during centers.  We learned how to turn the on, search for an app and use the carefully so they last.  We discussed how using an ipad at school is different from playing on one at home.

Irving Pacers:
Perhaps you've heard of the great program parents put on called the Irving Pacers.  On Fridays in the fall and spring students are encouraged to get a little extra exercise and run around the block.  Parents supervise the corners.  After each lap students get a punch in a pacer card.  After three punches they earn a token for a bracelet!  (Super cool...)  This week I had the whole class do it so they understood what it was.  After this week it is purely optional.

Snack Schedule:
Please look at the snack schedule.  Please send a bulk snack in on the first school day of the month you are assigned.  Individually packed snacks do not work as well because we cannot "stretch them" if we run low.  If you prefer that I pick up a bulk snack for you the next time I run to Costco, please send $9.00 in an envelope marked snack the last week of the month before you are assigned.  That gives me time to purchase the snack.  Thanks for your help with this.

Trivia Night
Take a look at the flyer for Irving's first Trivia night!  It should be a great time.  I'm already signed up with a pretty tough team.  Good luck!

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