Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Reading:  We are reading for pleasure this week.  I have been reading all of my favorite books to the kids and they are reading their favorite books in their book boxes. 

Writing:  We continue to do choice writing.  Some kids are revisiting How To Writing.  Others are writing opinion letter.  Many of the students are writing narrative pieces.  It is fun to see what they can produce when simply giving the time to write!

Math:  We have a few more lessons to get through with decomposing teen numbers.  We are breaking teen numbers into ten and some more. 

ABC Countdown is in Full Swing!
When Outside day is 50 and rainy you wait for Pajama Day to get outside!  We read outside...

 We practiced sight words outside.

 And we made amazing hopscotches to practice skip counting!

Quick and Quiet day was pretty awesome, too.  We finally got a beautiful day to go to the garden.   Here is a link to some amazing pictures that Tina took.  
password: betsy
download pin: 6204

Olympic Day was a blast.  I did not get any pictures because we were too busy having fun. 

This week we will begin taking things home for the year. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

Reading:  Assessments!
Writing:  Assessments!
Math:  Assessments!

This week was a review week while I sat with the kids to do assessments and get ready to report to you on their amazing progress.  We still have a few more things to learn but as the year winds down we spend a lot of time having fun using all the new reading, writing and math skills we have learned.  

5/16 Animal Research project due

5/24 Olympic Day- kids wear PE shoes and parents consider volunteering

5/27 No School

5/29 Picnic - all Kindergarten families are invited to attend this picnic at Barrie.  Please check for the sign up genius. 

6/6 Last Day

ABC Countdown: We've been having a lot of fun with our ABC countdown. A few highlight pictures below.  
 Game day was a success.  It is not easy for a bunch of 5and 6 year olds to navigate learning new games, taking turns, and sharing.  But your children did an amazing job with it.  We actually had fun!!!   I must admit I usually kinda dread that day because it is so hard to help them all.  But this year was AWESOME!

J for Joke Day!  I know I say this a lot... but it's my favorite thing to do with Kindergarteners. I really can't wait.

Art Choice Day.

Bear Day! 

Working on decomposing teen numbers. 

Ms. Sakamoto read us a book for First Grade day!

First graders presented their research projects to us.  We learned a lot. 

Game day was a success!