Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Spring Break!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

A few reminders before we leave for Spring Break.

  • Please check last week's post for information about this week's Spirit Week Activities sponsored by Student Council.  Thanks to Attie and Seamus for representing us this trimester. 
  • Report Cards go home on FRIDAY!  Remember that the trimester ended March 5th.  That means the report card reflects progress and assessments that span from November through March.
  • Spring Break is next week.  I hope you all find some time to relax and enjoy family.
  • Generally April and May are FULL of activities and events at Irving and in the district.  Please check back frequently to the blog for updates on these events.  There are lots of great things coming up-namely the Academic Fair and Egg Drop.  I will post pictures of some previous projects after Spring Break.  Click on the link for more information.
  • There will be no homework over Spring Break.  We will have homework through April and the first week of May.  After that I will send a calendar of daily events and homework. 
  • Finally, congratulations to Charlie and Eva for representing us in this year's Spelling Bee on April 9th.   Congratulations to both of those students and good luck!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

In Like a Lion

Anyone else annoyed with the weather????

Speaking of Weather........

We are finishing up our literacy unit on weather.  We have focused on rainbows this week.  We learned about how sunlight is white and it breaks up into all the colors when it passes through water.

This week we learned about opinion writing.  We had opinions about seasons, pets and snacks.  Additionally, we are really focusing on making sure our letters are all the same size and placed on the line correctly.  Finally, check out our Writing Goals chart.  Ask your child what was his or her writing goal!

We are finishing up our water unit and will begin a unit of study on the sun, moon and space.  We will go to the Planetarium on April 10th.  If you are interested in being a chaperone for this trip, please save the date!  A letter will go home soon!

We are learning how to decompose numbers and learning about 3D shapes.

March 13th is Technology Night!  Stop by and see some great presentations on technology used at Irving!!
Spirit Week is March 17th-21st
Monday:  Spring Picture Day 
Tuesday: Pretend it is St. Patricks
Wednesday: Dress like a teacher!   (Be mom jeans, please!!!)
Thursday: Dress like your favorite book character day!
Friday:  School Colors Day-Wear black, red and white.  Report Cards go home!

March 24-28 Spring Break

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 3-7

March came in like a lion, indeed!  We read a story about how March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.  If Spring ever comes we will move our morning recess outside for some much needed fresh air.  Please continue to send boots and snow pants.

Kindergarten Conference
I had an amazing two days at the Kindergarten Conference!  I learned so many new things and I am so excited to apply some of things I learned in the classroom.  It was a great experience and I am grateful to the PTO for sponsoring us!

Reading and Writing:
We are working a lot on blends as we read and write.  We are also working on comparing and contrasting characters.  We use Venn Diagrams to help us organize our thoughts.

In writing we have been working on having a beginning, middle and end to our stories.  That means that we are consistently writing three sentences!  (Yay for us!)

In guided reading I have been thrilled with the progress I am seeing.  Students are reading books  with meaning, fluency and comprehension!  Wow!

Ask your child about our making 10 rainbow.  We are working on drawing pictures to help us solve math problems.  We are also working on writing correct number sentences.

Upcoming Dates
Week of March 17 is Spirit Week
Spirit Week: 

Monday, March 17th:  Spring Picture Day 
Tuesday: Pretend it is St. Patricks
Wednesday: Dress like a teacher!   (Be mom jeans, please!!!)
Thursday: Dress like your favorite book character day!

Friday:  School Colors Day-Wear black, red and white